three buses

Red, green and zebra buses.
translate from Korean into English


  1. More pictures please ^^~

  2. hello!!
    Your blog is very nice and the pictures are good.
    I went to seoul in 2003 with my ex girlfirend (she is korean). I really love your country... Me, I am french, and I wish to you a good travel in your photographic work

  3. i would definitely visit this site everyday... i love seoul...

  4. kais 님의 좋은 정보 항상 감사합니다.
    피플랭킹(www.peopleranking.co.kr) 유저들도 kais님의 블로그를 구독할수 있었으면 합니다.
    피플랭킹 사이트에서 kais님의 블로그로 바로 갈 수 있도록 링크걸어 주셨으면 합니다.
    현재 피플랭킹이 티저사이트단계지만 관심있는 여러 블로거들이 활동중에 있으며 꾸준히 회원가입을 하고 계십니다.
    궁금하신 점이나 제안하실 사항이 있으면 언제든 연락 바랍니다.
    (주)투더피플 박찬
    Tel. 02-555-6015, 010-4876-2822
    nate on/e-mail: curiousfellow@hanmail.net

  5. Olá Kais,
    I love photos and indeed I came to visit your space. The blue buses are beautiful, and these colorful buses seem to be part of the new panorama of Seoul. Korean living outside the country have the chance of seeing the places they knew so much.
    A very good idea to publish "The daily photo of Seoul" Congratulations.
    I beg you please to visit my little space which is dedicated mostly to photos.
    From Brazil

  6. I wish you'd post more pics. I'm an Indian addicted to Koran movies and drams so looking at photographs of Korea is very interesting. You have a lovely country.

  7. thats look like one hell of a busy day. anyway happy holidays.

    Digital Photography

  8. all great photos, keep the good work

  9. nice photos you have... you really are promoting the beauty of korea. keep up the good work...

    Hardiplank Siding Houston
